Participation in the Painting Exhibition of the Painting Workshop held at Ilgaz Nolana Mountain Resort was intense. 52 paintings were put up for sale at the workshop attended by 26 famous painters, including eight academicians, four of whom were deans.

The "International Çankırı-Ilgaz Nolana Art Workshop" exhibition was held in Çankırı.

Our Governor Mustafa Fırat Taşolar's wife, Lady Didem Taşolar, Çankırı Mayor İsmail Hakkı Esen, Ilgaz District Governor Burak Yılmaz, Ilgaz Mayor Mehmed Öztürk, Orta Mayor Ömer Bezci, Orta Federation President Şaban Can, Ankara Çankırı Federation of Associations President Adem Can, from Çankırı., Çankırı Postası, İHA Çankırı Representative, Çerkeş press members attended the International Çankırı-Ilgaz Art Workshop Painting Exhibition ceremony held at Ilgaz Yıldıztepe Nolana Hotel with the contributions of Çankırı Confederation.

Participation in the Painting Exhibition of the Painting Workshop held at Ilgaz Nolana Mountain Resort was intense. 52 paintings were exhibited in the workshop attended by 26 famous painters, including eight academicians, four of whom were deans. The exhibition, which was opened by our Governor M. Fırat Taşolar, Çankırı Mayor İsmail Hakkı Esen, Çankırı Confederation Chairman Kaptan Mustafa Can, Ilgaz District Governor Burak Yılmaz, and Ilgaz Mayor Mehmet Öztürk, was greatly appreciated.

The exhibition of the painting workshop organized by the Çankırı Confederation at a hotel in the Illgaz Yıldıztepe Ski Center was opened. The exhibition included works by 26 painters from Kyrgyzstan, Azerbaijan, Russia, Nakhchivan and Turkey, reflecting the nature, historical riches and local culture of Ilgaz.

The exhibition of the painting workshop organized by Çankırı Confederation at a hotel in Illgaz Yıldıztepe Ski Center between 20-27 April, curated by painters Birsen Çeken and Ayşen Can, was opened with a ceremony.

After the opening, the participants received information by visiting the works of 26 painters from Kyrgyzstan, Azerbaijan, Russia, Nakhchivan and Turkey, highlighting the nature, historical riches and local culture of Ilgaz.

In his speech at the opening of the exhibition, Ilgaz Mayor Mehmed Öztürk thanked the artists who contributed to the promotion of Ilgaz.

Expressing that they were very happy to host the workshop, Öztürk said, "You should have no doubt that we will host beautiful works in Ilgaz Yıldıztepe, the star of art and sports, from now on. We, as Ilgaz Municipality, will continue to provide these contributions as much as we can." said.

Çankırı Confederation Chairman Mustafa Can also emphasized that art is very important.

Can stated that whether the path that the society is following is good or bad can be felt from the artist's stance, and said, "Art is so important for countries that when a city is captured in great wars, the first thing the other side does is to seize the artworks of that country. Because the memories of the societies are literally engraved in those works of art. Turkish Independence Organizing such an art event in the Ilgaz district of Çankırı, which was the lifeblood of the war and hosted the Independence Road, is also an expression of our sensitive artists' respect to our glorious past. Well done to all our artists who reflect the ancient future of our country as a light on their foreheads and enlighten the path they walk." he said.

After the speeches, the painters were given certificates of participation. At the end of the exhibition, a preview of the documentary "Road of Hope" about the Independence Road was held. The ceremony ended with a souvenir photo taken.


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