Karadeniz Technical University (KTÜ) Faculty of Medicine, Department of Anesthesiology and Reanimation, Intensive Care Science Branch Head Prof. Dr. Hülya Ulusoy is excited about the exhibition where her paintings on "speed and peace" will be exhibited.
Ulusoy, who dreamed of becoming a painter during her high school years, decided to study medicine for various reasons. Ulusoy, who started working in Trabzon after completing her education at Bursa Uludağ University Faculty of Medicine, has left behind 35 years in the profession.
Ulusoy, who has been working at KTÜ Faculty of Medicine, Department of Anesthesiology and Reanimation for 33 years, strives to connect patients to life in the fast pace of intensive care. Ulusoy, who has not given up on her passion for painting and has been interested in this field for 15 years, continues her work to open an exhibition these days. "I am very excited because this will be my first painting exhibition" Prof. Dr. Hülya Ulusoy told AA that she was given crayons instead of toys as a gift when she was a child. Ulusoy, who explained that she dreamed of becoming a painter during high school, said, "I was a successful student in high school, good at math and physics. The students with the best scores were accepted to medical school, that's how I got accepted to medical school." Ulusoy stated that she continued to paint in the summers of the first four years of the faculty and said, "Until 15 years ago, I constantly scribbled something in my spare time. 15 years ago, I joined the studio of painter Yüksel Baydar and gradually progressed towards oil painting as if I were a student from scratch, developing myself from painting movements to history, from patterns to perspective and color knowledge." Ulusoy, who stated that she has reached the stage of opening an exhibition, said, "For me, it was not a hobby, it was actually a kind of dream job. Now I have turned to this field a little more and I am very excited because it will be my first painting exhibition." she said. "Resting my soul here is like therapy for me." Hülya Ulusoy said that intensive care is a place where life passes very fast and people live on the edge of life and death, and that working there requires a completely different work discipline. Expressing that she works very hard due to her duties in administration and associations, Ulusoy said, "I am someone who tries to fit 48 hours of work into 24 hours and lives at a very fast pace. The only place where I truly find myself at peace and rest is the time I spend in the painting studio. It is a studio open three days a week, but I try to come full time on Thursdays and Fridays after work, and when I have the chance, on Saturdays." Ulusoy stated that he focused more on his paintings due to the exhibition and said, "My colleagues who I work in the same room in the studio suffer greatly from the constant disruption of the silence by my phone. Because unfortunately, there is no time when my phone does not ring for more than 15 minutes. This is also a part of our job; when people who are on the edge of life expect service from us, of course we have to do what is necessary. While I am getting so tired there, resting my soul here is like a very nice therapy for me." "Explaining that he tried to portray speed and peace in the works to be exhibited in the exhibition, Ulusoy made the following assessment: "12-13 major works are like this, but in the paintings where I tried to portray this peace, I saw deficiencies that did not exist in my own life. Because I am a person who lives very fast, tries to think fast, tries to do many things at the same time. That peace there did not match up very well with the pace of my life. Then, while watching a documentary, I saw the life of peregrine falcons. It is a bird of prey, but there is no bird that flies faster than it, and this affected me very much. Its beauty, visuality, and mission in life... I asked myself, 'Can I add metropolitan life, work tempo, and the speed created by other stresses to those peaceful nature paintings and melt these two in the same pot?' I started to make paintings where speed and peace intersect. In the later periods of my paintings, there are also the world's fastest peregrine falcons, which seem to be the opposite of peaceful nature but are actually trying to capture the harmony within." Ulusoy stated that the motto of the exhibition is the intersection of speed and peace, and added that his first personal exhibition will open on Friday, January 17 at the Trabzon Fine Arts Gallery.
Source link: https://www.sondakika.com/kultur-sanat/haber-prof-dr-hulya-ulusoy-un-ilk-resim-sergisi-18263385/