Meltem Akkaya

Who is Meltem Akkaya?

Meltem Akkaya was born in Izmir in 1971. He completed his undergraduate education at Dokuz Eylül University Buca Education. He completed his master’s degree at Dokuz Eylül University Social Sciences Institute, Proficiency in Art program at Dokuz Eylül University Faculty of Fine Arts. In 2005, he entered Adnan Menderes University as a lecturer. He currently works as a Professor at the same university.14. Turgut Pura Painting-Sculpture Competition second prize, 1st. He is the second prize winner of Talens Painting Competition, Samsun Rotary Club Second Prize winner and Rh+ Magazine Young Painter of the Year Finalist. In addition to the artist’s awards; He has many personal exhibitions and many domestic and international group exhibitions. He participated in the prestigious fairs Basel art fair and the Venice Biennale in 2022. He works with galleries abroad. He opened a personal exhibition in Germany. He participates in domestic and international fairs and biennials.
1995- 14th Turgut Pura Painting-Sculpture Competition Second Prize, 2002- 1st Talens Painting Competition Second Prize. 2004- Samsun İlkadım Rotary Club Second Prize. 2005- Rh+ Magazine Young Painter of the Year Finalist. 2024- Euroexpoart Vernica Art fair Gold Medal 1 .Like prize, Italy
Das “Artelier Galery, Nurnberg, Germany, 2008, Balaban Sanat GHalerisi, 2021, Istanbul, “Cosmos”, Fırça Sanat Gallery, Ankara, 2022, “X- Encounter” exhibition, Yolo, İzmir, 2022, ReMax Art, Meltem Akkaya / İsmail Atmalı exhibition, Bodrum, 2022, Austria Salzburg Summer Academy, 1993 Primo – Livin Galery, lecce, Italy, 2011, L’essenza Di Tuttle Le Cose, Percorsi femminili dal mando, (female artists) Primo-livin galery, ITALY-2012 , Adnan Menderes University, WİA-CAMP Painting Exhibition, 

2016, Ege University 7th International Egeart Art Days Aegean ARTISTS Painting Exhibition, 2017, "Borrowed Pages", Galeri A, 2017, İzmir, Galeria de Arte, L'atelier de Pilar Güell galery,2018, Barcelona, ​​"Summer Exhibition", Galeria de Arte,L'atelier de Pilar Güell galery,2018,Barcelona, ​​İntenational Contemporary Art Show, Beyond Hotel, İzmir.2019, BASEL ART Fair,2018, Switzerland, Galeria de Arte ,L'atelier de Pilar Güell galery,2019, Barcelona, ​​Galeri Zero,25 February 2020, Milan,2023 Sessıon 4, Galeria Azur Berlin, Berlin,2023,The power of Art,Spazıo Arte Tolomeo, Milano,2023-Bıeaf Busan İnternational exhibitioniion, 2023, -Arte Per La Vita Exhibibtion, Neon Art Gallery, Naples-Italy, -Nag Neon Art Gallery, Sintesi exhibition,Museo Venanzo Crocetti, Rome, Italy, 2023 - The power of Art, Spazio Arte Tolomeo Galleryi Milano, Italy -2023-Solo exhibition, HGC Art Gallery, Bodrum, 2023,

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