Ellenart Nikomedia Group Painting Exhibition, curated by Tuğba Aydın, opened its doors to art lovers at Izmit Cumhuriyet Art Gallery.
Izmit Municipality NGO and Tradesmen Desk Coordinator Eray Bodur, Culture and Social Affairs Manager Ufuk Aktürk, Future Party Izmit District Chairman Ömer Uçar, Curator Tuğba Aydın and art lovers attended the opening of the exhibition, which will remain open until February 16.
Speaking at the opening program of the exhibition, Izmit Municipality NGO and Tradesmen Desk Coordinator Eray Bodur said, “Nikomedia exhibition offers us the combination of contemporary and classical art, speaking the universal language of art, bringing together different styles and techniques. Each work tells unique stories arising from the spiritual depths of the artists. "We would like to thank our valuable artists who helped us meet with this exhibition," he said.
Izmit Municipality Culture Director Ufuk Aktürk also stated that they proudly hosted the exhibition as Izmit Municipality and said, “Nikomedia is not just an exhibition. “It is also an experience that offers the opportunity to go on an emotional journey.” said.
Curator Tuğba Aydın said that their aim is to make people love the art of painting and spread this culture, and thanked Baykan Hürriyet for the support he provided to the opening of the exhibition.
The names who contributed their works to the exhibition opened at Cumhuriyet Art Gallery are as follows: Adalet Kara, Aligholi Mardani, Aytül Özşen, Cemalettin Timur, Ceyhan Murathanoğlu, Celal Günaydın, Esin Boztaş, Eleha Ravand, Fikriye Bayraktar, Hüseyin Macar, İkramettin Karaman, İsmail Keskin, İsmail Menekşe, İclal Ural Kaya, Mehmet Boztaş, Sait Işık, Selin Avar, Turhan Ekici, Zeki Çetinkaya.