Abidin Dino introduced himself primarily as a painter, but also as a cartoonist, a writer and a director. 30 years have passed since Abidin Dino, one of the pioneers of the art groups known as D Group and Yeniler Group in the history of Turkish painting, passed away.
Who is Abidin Dino?
Abidin Dino, one of the pioneers of contemporary Turkish painting, was born in Istanbul on March 23, 1913. Born as the fifth child of his family, Dino's interest in art became evident at a young age. When he moved to Geneva with his family, he was introduced to European culture and art and spent his childhood here.
Abidin Dino returned to Turkey in 1925 and started studying at Robert College. However, due to his interest in art, he left his education and focused on improving himself in the fields of painting, caricature and writing with the support of his older brother, poet Arif Dino. His first drawings were published in Yarın newspaper and his first articles were published in Artist magazine in the early 1930s.
Dino, who contributed to the development of contemporary art by establishing the art group D Group, drew cover designs for the works of Nâzım Hikmet during this period and made himself accepted in the art community at a young age. D Group, founded in 1933, is an important turning point in Turkish painting, and Abidin Dino played an influential role in the spread of contemporary movements in Turkey with this group.
It is known that Abidin Dino, in addition to his painting works, is also interested in cinema. He added a dimension to his art in the field of cinema with the documentary film "Turkey's Heart Ankara", which he shot upon the request of the Founder of the Republic, Mustafa Kemal Atatürk.
Abidin Dino left Turkey in 1952 and started living in France. He became internationally known by opening many exhibitions in countries such as France, Algeria and the USA. He became the representative of Turkish art abroad by assuming duties such as Honorary President of the French Plastic Arts Association and Consultant of the New York World Art Exhibition.
There are various periods and themes in Abidin Dino's art. The artist, who developed a unique style in his works by focusing on social segments such as workers, peasants and fishermen, also touched upon universal issues such as language, religion and human rights. Dino, who was under the influence of Picasso, interacted with the important artists of his period, prioritizing lines and patterns in his paintings.
Dino reflected human emotions such as joy, pain and fear in his works. The painter, who is remembered for Nazım Hikmet's poem "Straw Yellow", stated that although he painted joy from time to time, happiness is something that requires continuity.
Abidin Dino, who was diagnosed with thyroid cancer in 1990, continued his art even during this difficult period. The body of the artist, who died in Paris on December 7, 1993, was brought to Istanbul and buried in Aşiyan Cemetery.
Abidin Dino's art left an important legacy, as he organized more than 50 exhibitions throughout his life and won international awards. The plays, essays, monographs and narratives written by Dino, who produced works in many fields throughout his life, are also important contributions to the literary world. In addition, the books he wrote on his art and the work titled "Gel Zaman Git Zaman - Years with Abidin Dino" written by his wife Güzin Dino further enriched the artist's legacy.
Abidin Dino's works are considered one of the important names in the history of Turkish painting and made a great contribution to the development of contemporary Turkish art.
Source:https://www.cumhuriyet.com.tr/kultur-sanat/abidin-dino-kim-nereli-meslegi-ne-abidin-dino-ne-zaman-ve-neden-oldu-2148873?utm_medium=AramaSonuc&utm_source= SearchResult