Karamanoğlu Mehmetbey University (KMÜ) Faculty of Art, Design and Architecture opened the "1st International Small Works Biennial Sending Arts" painting exhibition.
The exhibition, which was opened with the theme "Send for Peace" at the KMÜ Health, Culture and Sports Department Exhibition Hall, was attended by Rector Prof. Dr. Mehmet Gavgalı, Dean of the Faculty of Art, Design and Architecture Prof. Dr. Mustafa Diğler, faculty staff and students.
In the exhibition curated by Ahmet Hakan Yılmaz, prepared with installation, print, oil painting, collage, watercolor and mixed techniques, more than 250 works by 200 national and international artists met with art lovers.
In addition to the works of KMÜ Academicians Ahmet Hakan Yılmaz, Ayşe Celasin, Bengü Aydın, Betül Serbest Yılmaz, Ceyda Gülsever, Derya Konuk, Murat Aksoy, Mustafa Diğler, Mustafa Konuk, Necmettin Ertunç, Seda Dilay, Şeyda Misman, Tekin Bayrak and Tevhide Aydın, the works of international artists in the exhibition will also be kept in the collection of the Faculty of Art, Design and Architecture.
Source: https://www.karamandauyanis.com/i-uluslararasi-kucuk-isler-bienali-gonderi-sanatlari-resim-sergisi-acildi/81427/