Who is Leyla Sabah? (1954)
Leyla Sabah entered the Mimar Sinan Painting Department in 1994. In addition to her experiences as a painter, teacher, and traveler, she has been sharing “Inner Development with Painting” for years. These sharings continue online. She creates ‘Karalama Hazzı’ and ‘Kolektif Resim’ events. She has taken part in domestic and international exhibitions and biennials. She is an active member of the “Güzelliğin Çokoğaltması” group. She is the author of the books Aykuşu, Aşk-İ-Kar, Resimle İçgelişim and Güzel-İz. The artist has articles published in many magazines.
Art Perspective;
Existence is a stream of consciousness and consciousness feeds on consciousness. The reason for human existence is also awareness, in other words, development. Humans use three main paths to mature; science (to comprehend existence), faith (personal hygiene), art (holistic understanding). While one of these paths becomes a person’s main path, a connection must be established with the other paths. Art is a form of worship, a state of trance. This state activates the person’s abilities such as knowing without knowing, feeding from the source, sensing, using the power of imagination and thought. Thus, it is experienced as a natural flow leading to the source, to the whole. It increases sensation, makes us ask questions, creates enlightenment, and renews the person. These renewals remind us of the absolute truth we are a part of. Finally, our tongues are tied, our hearts are opened, and it can reach the power of creating vibrations that our consciousness emits!
2005 - Hefei Contemporary Art Symposium, China
1993-2002 - Work shops, Mutlu Art Gallery Istanbul
1997-1998 - Mimar Sinan University, Fresco Workshop, Istanbul
1994-1998 - Mimar Sinan University, Fine ArtsPainting, Istanbul
1993-1994 - Mehmet Güreli Art Workshop, Istanbul
1991-1993 - Hüseyin Özdemir Art Workshop, Istanbul
1966-1972 - School Teachers Institute for primary education, Van
2023 - Pleasure of scribbling Urladam İzmir
2022 - Pleasure of scribbling England
2021 - "Güzel-iz" Edition - Hermes İstanbul
2020 - "Aykuşu" 3rd edition - Hermes İstanbul
2015 - 2016 Conversation of "Ask-i-kar" Istanbul, Tekirdag,Bursa, Ankara, İzmir
2015 - "Aşk-i-kar" author, Publishing house Liber, İstanbul
2014 - 2015 Symposium "Art in Human" İstanbul, İzmir, Antalya, Balıkesir Turkey
2013 - Kadinlar külübünün Painter activity, Bakü, Azerbaijan
2010 - 2020Resimle İçgelişim ART therapy educations. İstanbul
2012 - 2013 Newspaper writng in Atölye
2011 - "Resimle İçgelişim" author, publishing house Hermes , İstanbul.
2010 - 2020 Güzelliğin Çoğaltılması activitye.
2010 - 2. Portakalçiçeği Sanat Kolonisi, Sapanca, Türkiye.
2009 - 2012 Resimle içgelişim Art therapy teacher. İstanbul
2009 - Aykuşu author, publishing house Hermes -İstanbul
2009 - Conversation of Aykuşu Edremit, İstanbul
2008 - 5m. Paintaer working with 40 of people, Cordoba - Argentina,
Solo Exhibitions
Biennale and Art Fairs
2024- Artnova, Ankara
2024- Metropolitan Müze, Tokyo
2023- İAAF Art and Antika Fair
2023- Artankara art fair Ankara
2023 - Artankara Art Fair - Ankara
2023 - Antique and Art Fair - İstanbul
2022 - 2.Artcontact Contemporary Art Fair - İstanbul
2022 - Contemporary art Fair 8 - Ankara
2021 - Antique and Art Fair - İstanbul
2021 - 1.Artcontact Contemporary Art Fair - İstanbul
2020 - Artankara - Ankara
2019 - Artankara - Ankara
2018 - Contemporary art Fair 4- Ankara
2018 - Inter-Artcamp, Auid, Romania
2018 - Unesco Chalkiita, Greece
2017 - Ostraka 20 Art Carnival Sharm Elshikh, Egypt
2015 - Beijing Art Biennale, Çin
2014 - 24. Art Fair TÜYAP s Istanbul
2013 - 23. Art Fair TÜYAP , İstanbul
2012 - 22. Art Fair TÜYAP İstanbul
2011 - 21. Art Fair in TÜYAP ."GÜZELLİĞİN ÇOĞALTILMASI" İstanbul
2010 - Art and Book Fair, in TÜYAP, İstanbul
2009 - Art Fair in TÜYAP 19. İstanbul
2005 - Beijing Art Biennale, China
2004 - International Biennial of Drawing Pilsen. Czech Republic
2004 - Majdanek Triennial. Poland
Group Exhibitions
2024- "Fotorresim" Artizan art İstanbul
2024- Desing Festa galeri, Tokyo
2024- "Güzelliğin Çoğalması Artizan, İstanbul
2023 - Artcenter Urla, İzmir
2022 - Point Bornova, İzmir
2021 - Maritime Museum, Mersin
2018 - Artcamp, Aiud. Romanya
2018 - Calkita , Greece
2017 - Osaca Art festival, Mısır
2017 - 2. International Art Festival, Naoussa, Greece
2016 - GT Art Galeri, İzmir
2016 - “Cumhuriyet exhibitions Portakal Çiçeği org. Bodrum
2016 - Barış sergisi “Kalimerhaba” Marmaris
2013 - İstanbul - Gyeongju Word culture, Expo 2013 CRR. İSTANBUL
2013 - Yalnız Barışa Tarafız exhitions
2012 - Düş Yolcusu Art Gallery, İstanbul
2011 - Cemal Reşit Rey Portakal çiçeği Exhibition. İstanbul
2010 - Mutlu Art Gallery, İstanbul
2006 - Wallywoods Galery, Berlin, Germany
2005 - Cemal Resit Rey Art Gallery, Istanbul
2005 - Aladogan Art Gallery, Istanbul
2004 - Atatürk Culture Centre, Istanbul
2004 - Dedeman Hotel Art Gallery , Ankara
2003 - Municipality of Esenyurt Istanbul
2003 - Galata festival Istanbul
2002 - Akademililer art gallery Istanbul
2002 - İnternational Association of Art Turkey
1999 - Tarabya art gallery, Istanbul
1999 - Max Gallery, Prague
1999 - Karneval der Kulturen, Berlin
1999 - Galatea Art Gallery, Istanbul
1998 - Barometre Gallery, Istanbul
1998 - Ortaköy Square Gallery, Istanbul
1997 - Barometre Gallery, Istanbul
1995 - Istanbul University, Young Artists Exhibition, Istanbul
1995 - Sile Art Festival, Istanbul
1994 - Naval Museum, Rotary Club, Istanbul
1993 - Galeria Art Festival, Istanbul
1992 - Gülhane Festival, Istanbul
1991 - Art Festival, Erdek
1989 - Art Festival, Erdek
Artistic Research and Travels
2024- Japon
2021 - England
2019 - Georgia
2018 - Greece, Egypt, Romania, Polland, Garmany
2016 - Portgal, France
2014 - Belarus, Romania, Neterland, Hungary
2013 - Azerbaijan 2012- England
2008 - England, Argentina, Uruguay
2007 - Brazil, England
2007 - Bulgaria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia
2007 - Italy, France 2006 - Germany
2005 - China
2004 - France, England 2004 - Czech Republic,
2003 - Poland, Germany, Czech Republic, Sweden
2001 - Turkmenistan, Azerbaijan
1999 - Austria, Germany, Czech Republic, Hungary 1996 - Nepal, India
1994 - Spain
1993 - Greece
2023 - Ovoo Art gallery, İstanbul
2022 - Southsee Artcenter, England
2022 - Do Art Gallery - İstanbul
2022 - Bahariye Art Gallery - İstanbul
2021 - Akdoraart Gallery - Ankara
2020 - Denizkızı Art Gallery - Ankara
2018 - Tosca Art, Ankara
2017 - Tuva Art Gallery, İstanbul
2016 - Tüze Art Gallery, İstanbul
2016 - Sae Lıfe, Antalya Turkey
2014 - White Elephant, Portsmouth. UK
2014 - İNS_AN sergisi, Tuva Art Center- İstanbul
2012 - Hahaha-Hu. Tuva Art Center- İstanbul
2011 - Atatük Library Art Gallery Istanbul
2009 - "Aykuşu" Exhibitions Edremit, Bahçeşehir, Bahariye Art Gal, Kadıköy
2008 - The Lodge Art Centre, Portsmouth, UK
2008 - El Conventillo Verde Art gallery, Buenos Aires
2008 - "Teknorenk" In computer
2007 - Only Balance Mutlu art Gallery Istanbul
2006 - Third Floor Art Gallery, Portsmouth, UK
2005 - Artist Gallery Istanbul
2004 - Ansan Art Gallery Antalya
2003 - Atatürk Library Art Gallery Istanbul