Painter Adviye Bal, known in our country and internationally for her paintings using simple human figures, has opened a showroom called “Adviye Bal Art Studio”.

The venue in Taksim Gümüşsuyu, which the artist will also use as a studio, has been visited by many artists, collectors and art lovers. Bal stated that they opened this venue together with tourism professional Serhad Uslan and said, “We brought art and tourism together.”

Adviye Bal, one of the original artists of contemporary painting, made a statement at the opening of her art studio saying, “Painting and sculpture are my way of life. I decided to be an artist at a very young age. I worked passionately to make this decision come true, regardless of life conditions. Although I received my higher education in geography, I continued to paint and sculpture.

I completed my second university education in the Painting and Sculpture Department of Marmara Faculty of Education. I participated in 28 solo and many group exhibitions, the first of which was when I was 16. I represented our country in Russia, Germany and Japan. I have been producing art for years. In addition to my workshops in Bolu and Istanbul, I will continue my work with Adviye Bal Art Studio. I use simple human figures in my paintings that I transfer to the canvas, a moment of the indivisible, fluid, long story that includes the beginning, present and future of human history, “That moment”, without any chronological order or concern for directly telling historical events,” he said.

The person who encouraged Adiye Bal to open her third workshop was famous tourism professional Serhad Uslan. Uslan, who has a tourism office on the third floor of the same building, stated that they converted the apartment on the ground floor of the building into a workshop and said, “I have been following Adviye Hanım’s paintings for a long time. I have Adviye Hanım’s paintings in my personal collection and on the walls of my hotels in Bodrum and Uludağ. I really like our artist’s works. I wanted her to open her third workshop in Taksim. Because Taksim is the center of art in Istanbul. It is in the middle of the city and a very easy-to-reach destination. For this reason, we expect there will be a lot of interest.”
