Ayşe Sezer

Who is Ayşe Sezer? (1971 – Eskişehir)

The artist was born in Eskişehir in 1971. Sezer, who completed her primary, secondary and high school education in Eskişehir, completed her undergraduate education in Anadolu University, Faculty of Education, Department of Art and Crafts Teaching in Eskişehir in 1992 with honors. The year she graduated, she started working as an art teacher at Anadolu University, Hearing Impaired Children Education and Research Center (İÇEM). In 2011, she completed the 6-stage creative drama Instructor/Leader stages and the drama project at Ankara Contemporary Drama Association and received the Creative Drama Instructor/Leader certificate by taking the exam organized by the Ministry of National Education. Sezer, who completed his doctorate in the painting department of Gazi University Fine Arts Institute in Ankara between 2013-2016, worked for 26 years at Anadolu University İÇEM between 1992-2018 and then transferred to Bilecik Şeyh Edebali University Faculty of Fine Arts and Design as a faculty member in 2018 and took part in the establishment of the painting department.
The artist, who has 12 solo exhibitions, one of which was abroad, has participated in many national and international workshops, exhibitions and artistic events, has taken part in projects, has various jury memberships, referees and 4 awards in the field of painting. Sezer has an ongoing project on the “Artificial Intelligence Supported Art Education” application, which he is the executive of. The artist, who has works in many collections in Turkey and abroad, received the title of associate professor in 2021, currently works as a faculty member at Bilecik Şeyh Edebali University and continues his painting studies in his own studio.

Art Perspective;
While deeply addressing social issues in his artistic works, he prefers to convey these issues to the viewer through symbolic narratives. He questions how the social system labels, classifies and assigns an identity to people, especially by using modern symbols such as barcodes. These symbols are not only aesthetic elements, but also powerful tools that convey messages to the recipient. The words and symbols carried in the barcode carry a depth of meaning that emphasizes the difficulties or social structures faced by individuals in society.

In the artist's works, the relationships between basic plastic values—color, form, line and composition—are carefully examined. This requires a deep analysis in terms of both aesthetics and meaning. The straight lines determined using especially fluorescent colors not only create a plan separation, but also allow the viewer to question their psychological boundaries. This boundary creates an internal questioning of where the recipient positions themselves in the face of social problems. In Sezer's art, the boundaries that have a different meaning for each individual allow the viewer to re-evaluate their own identity and relationship with society.

The motifs used by the artist take shape in accordance with the purpose of each painting and take different forms. The decorative motifs in the background of the painting take the viewer on a journey in a boundless space. This atmospheric void addresses social issues while also referencing the artist's individual freedom of expression. The fact that the motifs are located in a seemingly boundless space reflects the individual's search for freedom and the constricting effects of the social structure.

Ayşe Sezer's art offers the viewer a direct aesthetic experience by deviating from the reality of colors, forms and objects. Colors function as not only visual but also meaningful elements in line with the artist's emotional and conceptual needs. Deviation from reality stands out as an indicator of formal freedom in Sezer's art; the artist creates her own aesthetic and expressive forms independent of the outside world.

Sezer's works stand out as a combination of social questioning, formal freedom and symbolic expression. While taking the viewer on a deep intellectual and emotional journey through powerful symbols such as barcodes and colors, they also present important messages about social problems.

1991- 11th Turgut Pura Foundation Painting and Sculpture Competition Second Prize.

1996- Eskişehir Rotary Club Painting Special Jury Award.

2019- 7th Şahin Özyüksel Painting Award.

2022- From Past to Future Çatalhöyük Painting Competition First Prize Necmettin Erbakan

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